What are weight loss camps? Well, they are a way to whip your weight loss program into shape.
It is also a term for a type of program where overweight and obese people go to lose weight. They are also referred to as a fitness camp and ‘fat farm’.
The differences between weight loss camps and any other ordinary camps is that weight loss camps typically provide nutrition classes, weekly weigh-ins, and many more aerobic-based classes. The main goal of weight loss camps is to enhance the health of the campers and to help them start losing weight as well as teach them about how to live healthy on the outside.
Some of the places that offer weight loss camps provide weight-loss results of two to six pounds per week on average. Remember though, the more overweight the person participating, the more they will lose in the program. The overall results of weight loss camps vary widely and depend on the quality of the program and the physical makeup of the person attending.
Some of the newer programs not only focus on weight loss, but also on changing lifestyle behaviors. Generally, experts believe these are key elements of effective weight loss camps.
The popularity of this subject has become evident through things like a number of recent reality shows that relate to the subject of a weight loss camps such as the popular “The biggest Loser’.
Of course before beginning any weight loss regime or attending weight loss camps, consult your physician.
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