Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What Is The Coconut Oil Diet

Coconut oil is a healthy oil substitute. Coconut oil is not oxidized easily. It is also resistant to free radical attacks and acts as an anti-oxidant, so a coconut oil diet is healthy.

A coconut oil diet absorbs fewer fats than foods fried in hydrogenated vegetable oils. Foods cooked in coconut oil stay fresh longer and promote nutrient absorption. So it is advisable to change to a coconut oil diet instead of vegetable oil.

As well, coconut oil is great for hair. It makes hair soft and silky and easy to brush. You can also use coconut oil for skin care. It prevents the formation of destructive free radicals.

A coconut oil diet can strengthen your immune system to fight the. A coconut oil diet speeds up recovery from illness, and protects from infectious diseases.

Using a coconut oil diet can help you lose weight by making wise food choices without feeling hungry, miserable and deprived.

A coconut oil diet increases your metabolic rate which makes the body burn more calories. This increased metabolism stays for 24 hours. Taking coconut oil increases your energy level and burn off calories at an accelerated rate.

Always check with your doctor before going on any diet plan.

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