Thursday, June 5, 2008

Heart Health-Is Heart Fluttering Dangerous

Is Heart Fluttering Dangerous

Heart fluttering is a condition that most people have experienced at some time or another. It is the sensation of a heart beating too swiftly or irregularly.

Heart fluttering is usually called "palpitations," which are rapid, forceful, regular or irregular heartbeats that are quite noticeable to the individual. A rapid, regular heart fluttering may be associated with sensation of pounding in the neck as well.

Heart fluttering occurs normally during an exertion or an emotion, but some people can have an increase of irregularities of heart rate without warning and without an apparent reason.

If heart fluttering is short-lasting there probably is no problem, but if it lasts more than half an hour, it is advisable to call on a physician or a hospital to make an examination and an ECG.

While heart fluttering can be scary, it is usually not a sign of an impending heart attack. For most people who are physically healthy, they do not signify an underlying heart disorder but are most commonly caused by physical exertion, anxiety, fear, excessive smoking, too much caffeine, and ingredients in certain medications.

Heart fluttering can also be caused by actual heart disease. This A cardiologist may be able to make a diagnosis based on the pattern, or may order an electrocardiogram for more precise information. When symptoms such as sweating, faintness, and chest pain occur with the heart fluttering, it is best to seek help immediately.

If you have concerns about heart fluttering it is best to consult your doctor.

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